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Showing posts from January, 2018

Alenia C-27J Spartan - 98° Gruppo (Italeri 1/72) - Part 1

A new year, a new project. But different this time. At least, that's the plan. No thrills - no frills, just out of the box... When I first started modelling (a long time ago) I mainly built 1/76 and 1/72 Matchbox kits as they were easy to come by. There was also a good selection of Revell kits, but I didn't like them back then. Too much flash to clean up and soft detail. At least that's what I can remember now. Planes soon became the main staple in modelling for me, before I discovered the 1/20 F1 cars from Tamiya... Although my main interest lies still with car kits, the occasional plane will find its way into my stash. And this happened too with this particular kit. When I first saw this kit in the new kits section of an issue of Airfix Model World I was intrigued. I never heard of this plane type before (not that I now all plane types by heart, mind you). When searching Google for this plane I discovered a great special livery for it. And that's when I d...