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Showing posts from October, 2007

Jaguar Mk. II Saloon "Inspector Morse" (part 5)

Wheels of fortune As it happens, the adapting of the wheels to mate the Revell and Tamiya parts turned out to be quite simple. To my surprise, the Tamiya wheels were quite thick. Thick enough to cut them in halve so that I can use the rear part of the Tamiya wheels (with the mounting pin) and the front part of the Revell wheels without too much problems. I used a Crazy Modeler sawblade in my Dremel tool to cut up the Tamiya wheels. After I cut up the rims, I sanded them down a bit more with a grinding stone. End of this update.

Peugeot 307 WRC "Pirelli", Tour de Corse 2006 (part 5)

Decalling the body Before I started with decalling car body, I glued the air scoop on the roof of the car. I did sand the rear end of the air scoop a bit. I saw on some reference pictures that the air scoop wasn't closed. But the part provided with the kit was closed, so I opened it up. Decalling actually went without a problem. The decals for this build were made by Renaissance and are really great. I used MicroScale Set and Sol to get the decals to conform to the shape of the car. And bar for a few minor niggles, everything went without a hitch. You can see the current state of affairs on the pictures below. The keen observer of the pictures above may have noticed the minor niggles I was referring to. Although I used Set and Sol on the decals, a few of them didn't want to down perfectly, as can be seen in the following pictures. I am going to try to rectify that, but my efforts have so far been fruitless... But I keep trying. Another minor thing I w...

Ferrari F430 (part 4)

A minor mishap This build was quietly moving towards completion. Which was nice, because I want to take this car to the ESM contest at the end of November. But when I took the bodyshell out to commence the polishing and waxing of the body, I noticed a small white spot on the front of the hood of the car. Hmm, nothing serious I thought and tried to remove the offending spot swiftly, but carefully. Yes, I got it removed. Oh no, the underlying paint too !!! Very nice. Out came the sanding paper and micromesh clothes. I gave the car a good sanding, masked the vents of the engine room and airbrushed the whole car again. And it turned out quite fine. This action gave me also the opportunity to repair the minor damage on the rear bumper. On the pictures below is the current state. As can be seen on the right picture, there's still some sanding to do. But in general the paint is looking very good and I'm confident that I'm going to get this car ready in ...