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Showing posts from January, 2015

Corvette C5-R Compuware (part 6)

Finally several parts have received some colour. First parts with colour were the wheels. According to the instructions from Revell the wheels should be painted aluminium. The Revell (and Tamiya) aluminium colour was a bit too light to my taste when compared to the colour in the reference images. So I opted for Alclad 101 Aluminium over grey primer (Tamiya Fine Surface Primer). I also drilled a hole in each wheel and inserted a piece of 0.8 mm wire to simulate the tire valve. I already put the tires on the wheels. All I need to do now is put some tire decals on and give the wheels a light weathering. As there are no tire decals present on the kit decalsheet (shame on you Good Year) I bought some aftermarket decals. As I was on a roll, I also painted the exhausts. According to the instructions they should be painted chrome silver. I suppose that's correct for the end pipes, but I'm not so sure about the first part of the exhaust connected to the engine. But a...

Avro Lancaster B Mk. I ME858 JI-J (teaser)

With this post I'd like to introduce my newest project. This time it'll be a break from the usual 4-wheeled subjects I build. I started my modelling "career" building 1/72 planes from Matchbox, mainly. I built everything from jets to props. My interest in planes never has faded although I haven't build a plane in a long time. My enthousiam got rekindled when my father (with several other people) started working on a book depicting the history of the former municipality of Hunsel (in the South of the Netherlands) during World War 2. One of the chapters in the book concerned the crash of a Lancaster bomber during the summer of 1944 near the house of my parents. My intention is to build this plane in a rather dramatic setting: Just after it had been shot, with the port engines on fire. The kit I'm going to use will be the Tamiya 1/48 model of the Avro Lancaster B Mk. I (kit no. 61112). Some 20 years ago I already build this kit (OOB) for a small exhibi...

Corvette C5-R Compuware (part 5)

First post of 2015. A happy new year to my readers! As I pointed out in the previous post of this build, the wheels sit too deep into the wheel wells. With Evergreen profiles I made the suspension parts wider, so the wheels don't sit so deep anymore. I forgot to take a picture of the final testfit, but I did make a picture of the adapted suspension elements. Next I continued work on the interior of the car. According to my reference images, several parts were missing in the Revell kit. The most obvious part missing in my eyes was the piece of rollcage directly behind the driver's seat. I constructed the additional piece of rollcage with Evergreen profile and sheet. I also made the driver's head rest from evergreen sheet (the white part on top of the roll cage) Now it is possible to attach the seat belts to the roll cage. But to make this possible I had the adapt the driver's seat. The seat included in the kit differed quite from the seat in the refere...