The closer I get to the end of this build, the more things seem to go wrong (and the longer it takes for me to work on this one). When cleaning the body, the grille of one of the vents popped out. No problem I thought, just glue it back in. I put the grille on some blu tack, applied a small amount of super glue and slid the grille back in. That was the plan at least. Somehow I managed to brush against the body leaving a nice glue mark on it and to top it all off, the glue had somehow reached the blu tack, dissolving/glueing it to the body/grille. Leaving me with a(nother) fine mess... Nice. In the end I was able to repair this without problems, so everything should be fine. Next up was the rear window. I decided to darken the rear window (using Tamiya X-19 Smoke) although it isn't required in the instructions. In my reference images it apears as if the window on the real car is darkened too. Added bonus is that this will slightly hide the not so stellar detail in the back...
This blog is a continuation of my original website. It is devoted (mainly) to my plastic scale modelling activities.