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Showing posts from March, 2015

Euro Model Expo 2015

Last weekend I went to the Euro Model Expo event in Heiden, Germany. The event was spread over 2 days. I visited on the first day, Saturday March 28th. Just like last year the location was packed with stands occupied by a good mix of vendors and modelling clubs. The quality of the models on show, it being on the club stands or the competition area, was once again very high. During the day members of the Belgian modelling club KMK-Scaleworld were giving demonstrations of several modelling techniques. I decided to visit the demonstration of Jeroen Veen who showed the public several aircraft painting and weathering techniques. For me, as a n00b on aircraft, it was a very interesting and entertaining demonstration and I hope to apply some of the techniques I saw to my coming build of the 1/48 Tamiya Lancaster I got waiting. It was also a nice occassion to talk to some fellow modellers. Amongst others I had a nice chat with Sascha Müller who had a stunning diorama of a Le M...

Corvette C5-R Compuware (part 9)

Getting there The drama with the tires finally seems to have come to an end. My suspicion that the aggressive solvent-based clearcoat triggered some sort of reaction with either the water-based clearcoat and or the material of the tires appears to be true. My options were rather limited, so I decided to spray a new water-based clearcoat over the tires, hoping to cover the previous layer of clear and stop the reaction. For 3 of the 4 tires one layer of clear was enough. The rear tire with the most problems received 2 layers and that seems to do the trick. Even after more than a week of drying the clear stays flat. The clearcoat I used was my own Revell Aqua Color mix as used previously. But this time thinned with it's dedicated thinner and applied by airbrush. Although the image above does little to hide the imperfections I'm happy I finally am able to finish this chapter so I can divert my attention again towards the rest of the kit. Work has finally continued ...

Corvette C5-R Compuware (part 8)

Tired of tires And now for something special: Because of the challenge the tires have posed during this build I've decided to dedicate a seperate post to them. First a short recap from post no. 7 of the Corvette build: This whole particular story started with the fact that Revell (for copyright reasons) omitted the tire decals (Good Year in this case) from the decal sheet. I sourced some generic Good Year and Eagle decalsheets on the internet to tackle this first hurdle. Next I mounted the tires onto my Dremel tool to remove the moulding seam and give the tire a used appearance. After that I coated the sidewalls of the tires to be decalled with gloss clear coat to give the decals a nice smooth layer to adhere to. For this I used gloss clear from the Revell Aqua Color range, thinned for brushpainting with some water. After applying the decals (which went on with a few minor hiccups) the tires looked like this: So far so good you'd say. This is the point wher...