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Showing posts from September, 2016

Leuchtfeuer/Funkfeuer dio (part 4 - Start of the Opel Blitz radio car)

After the relatively slow start with the all-resin generator I was ready for something made of a more familiar material. Next up for this diorama will be the Italeri kit no. 368 of the "Opel Blitz Einheitskoffer Field Radio Truck". Upon opening the box I found all the parts (and instructions) grouped together in one plastic bag. This, sadly, included the clear parts. Luckily they didn't seem to have suffered. Nevertheless I immediately packed the clear parts away in a seperate plastic bag. The kit contains 168 brown polystyrene parts (of which 4 parts aren't used in this version) spread over 3 sprues and 13 clear parts. A first inspection of the parts shows good detail and some very delicate and small parts. A closer inspection reveals some minor flash, which won't be too hard to deal with. Some parts also show some mould offset, but untill now nothing too dramatic. The plastic used by Italeri seems quite soft compared to what I'm used to (Tamiya a...

Corvette C5-R Compuware (part 12)

My initial intention (I have a lot of those) was to get this build finished in time for the IPMS event in the Netherlands at the end of October (as in October 2015). Seeing that this blog post is posted a long way into 2016 it is safe to say that I didn't make it. Maybe, just maybe, I might get this one finished before the end of October this year... Just in time for Euro Scale Modelling 2016. But don't take my word for it. In the meantime work continues, albeit slowly. For the time being I'm concentrating my modelling efforts on finishing the interior. First up were the connectors for the comms system which are hanging from the back wall behind the driver's seat. I used Evergreen rod 1.6 mm and 0.75 mm and some sheet 0.5 mm for the basic form. I tried to detail everything with the paintwork. I also attached a few wires to the back of the connectors. For this I had to drill tiny holes into the backs of the connectors. I used 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm drill bits in my p...

KMK Scaleworld 2016

Last Sunday, September 11th 2016, I visited the 2016 edition of KMK Scaleworld. This event, organized by the KMK , was, as usual, held at the Technisch Instituut St.-Paulus in Mol, Belgium. This year was already my third visit to this event and just like previous years KMK has striken a good balance between vendors and clubs present. And of course lots of great models. With the shortening of the days my modelling urge is returning slowly. Although the high temperatures at the moment make any visit to the attic not really pleasant. There was a lot of inspiration (and demotivation ;-) ) on offer in Mol. Updates of my doings will follow shortly. As opposed to last year, there were no workshops this year. No big deal as there was a lot to see and talk. Time went by pretty quickly. Concerning the stuff to see: below is a selection of pictures taken at the event. Quality of the pictures is sadly a bit fluctuating. I was trying some new settings (yeah, I know, the best place to d...