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Showing posts from August, 2008

Jaguar Mk. II Saloon "Inspector Morse" (part 9)

Spick and span When looking through the pictures of this project, I noticed that there had been no work done on this project since March. So it was about time to do something. As can been seen in the previous update, there seems not that much work left to finish this build. But looks are deceiving. Because the layer of clear that has been put in this car has quite some orange peel to it, so I had to sand it all out. This process took me already a few hours, and I'm not finished yet. As with the Peugeot 307 WRC, I used MicroMesh polishing clothes in the roughness 4000, 6000, 8000 and 12000 to sand out all the orange peel. To protect the most delicate parts, where the expected layer of clear is thin, I masked them with masking tape before I started the sanding process. But sadly, all these precautions couldn't prevent me from slightly damaging the paint layer. Because when I tried to clear the panel lines of the trunk from the sanding residue (with a wooden toothpi...

Benetton Ford B190B, F1 season 1991 (part 2)

Preparations After so much time, there is still not a single part of this kit that has been painted. First job has been to eliminate the hardly visible mould lines and deepen the panel lines (orange arrows in images below). Apart from that, I also had to remove the incredible convenient borders that were on the monocoque to mark the borders of the different colors. Sadly those borders only apply for the 1990 livery of the car, so could not be used for this version. Removing those lines wasn't much work, but it had to been done nonetheless. However most of the work has gone into filling all the sink marks on the various parts. The parts shown below are only a selection... As you can see in the images above, I only bothered to fill the sink marks that are visible once the model is fully assembled. Lazy me, huh... Apart from all the filling and sanding I also managed to do some fun work (well, at least that's how I see it). As this kit is from Hasegawa, the ...

Peugeot 307 WRC "Pirelli", Tour de Corse 2006 (part 9)

the finishing touch After a considerable amount of time not working on this car, I've taken it up once more. At first I was thrilled after I sprayed the clear lacquer onto the body. But after the excitement had been subdued a bit, I noticed that there were several spots on the car where the finish was quite rough. So out came the ModelMesh sanding/polishing cloths, and after that the Tamiya polishing compounds. And after the whole car had received this treatment, it finally looked the way I wanted. The layer of clear is pretty hard (which is only good), and it took quite some time to reach the current state. But I'm very happy with it, although, on a few spots I managed to sand/polish through layers of clear and paint, so these spots need to be touched up. With all the sanding and polishing, I also had to redo the window trim. But as my first wasn't so good anyway, this was no problem (in the image below, the window trim still needs to be done). Mirror,...