As promised in my previous post this post will be about the KMK Scaleworld modelling event. As with the previous editions, the event was once again held at the Technisch Instituut St. Paulus in Mol (Belgium). And as ever, the event was great with a lot of vendors and clubs present and a lot of fantastic models in the competition area. But not only there, as there were great works of art on show at the club stands too. For me a bit of a first as my daughter (9 yrs. old) insisted that she wanted to go there too. At first I was a bit reluctant as I feared that she might get bored after let's say 15 minutes or so... No such thing. She was very patient (which is rather unique for a woman of any age...) and inquisitive. Which was great. We had a great time there. For some reason though she was extremely interested in tanks. Strange as that's the one type of kit that I haven't lying around here. Or maybe it is just because of that. One vendor was kind enough to hand her ...
This blog is a continuation of my original website. It is devoted (mainly) to my plastic scale modelling activities.