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Showing posts from November, 2016

Corvette C5-R Compuware (part 14)

With the body almost ready for decals, I stepped up my efforts concerning the interior. I made the electronics box at the passenger side. I used a small piece of styrene (Evergreen item no. 166 2.0x3.2 mm) and drilled a few holes into it so I could fix the needed wires into the box. For the wires I used 0.4 mm steel wire. To simulate the connectors I used some styrene rod (Evergreen item no. 221 1.2 mm). Using a pin vise I drilled 0.5 mm holes into the rod, so I could insert the wire. I must say the "connectors" look quite bulky in the picture. But after a coat of paint they look good enough for me. To further detail the cabling I used some hose clamps from Detail Master (DM-2480) which can also pass as cable ties (with some imagination). I also made a second electronics box at the passenger side. This one is mounted on the floor. I'll have to lighten the cables a bit to make it more visible once installed. As a base I used an electronics box from the kit,...

Ferrari F430 (part 9)

Unbelievable... The last update for this project was December 2010. Time to resurrect one of my (too many) forgotten builds. The second coat of primer (as mentioned at the end of the previous update for this project) has been sprayed. I think it was somewhere last year that I did that. In the meantime I've also sprayed the colour. I intended to use the original Zero Paints colour which I bought for this project back in 2009 (I think it was) and used on the first body. Back then, the ZP came in plastic bottles. And this is what's left from that bottle... All the solvents have evaporated. Only the pigments are left, clogged at the bottom of the bottle. I didn't bother to try and revive the contents of the bottle. Black being black (sort of) I used my own mix of Tamiya X-18 and XF-1 (80% to 20%). I also decided to (finally) start using my Harder&Steenbeck Infinity airbrush instead of the Evolution I've been using. The Evolution needs some new seal...

Euro Scale Modelling 2016

Last Saturday I was at the annual dutch IPMS event Euro Scale Modelling, as always held at the NBC Business Centre in Nieuwegein. This year marked already the 11th time that I visited this event. We arrived shortly after 10 o'clock and a big row of visitors greeted us outside. Luckily, the weather was fantastic and after a short wait we were inside. The 2 big halls were filled to the brim with merchants and exhibitors. And some great models were on display here. Apart from that there was the competition area which, at least in my opinion, seemed to host a lot more models than last year. And there were some real gems there too. There were just a few military/AFV models, just like last year, but that was more than made up for by the ships and cars categories. Below you'll find a selection of pictures from the event. More can be found in my Flickr album .