With the body almost ready for decals, I stepped up my efforts concerning the interior. I made the electronics box at the passenger side. I used a small piece of styrene (Evergreen item no. 166 2.0x3.2 mm) and drilled a few holes into it so I could fix the needed wires into the box. For the wires I used 0.4 mm steel wire. To simulate the connectors I used some styrene rod (Evergreen item no. 221 1.2 mm). Using a pin vise I drilled 0.5 mm holes into the rod, so I could insert the wire. I must say the "connectors" look quite bulky in the picture. But after a coat of paint they look good enough for me. To further detail the cabling I used some hose clamps from Detail Master (DM-2480) which can also pass as cable ties (with some imagination). I also made a second electronics box at the passenger side. This one is mounted on the floor. I'll have to lighten the cables a bit to make it more visible once installed. As a base I used an electronics box from the kit,...
This blog is a continuation of my original website. It is devoted (mainly) to my plastic scale modelling activities.