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Showing posts from February, 2018

Leuchtfeuer/Funkfeuer dio (part 5 - start of the Einheitsdiesel Kfz. 61))

Another key element of the Leuchtfeuer/Funkfeuer dio will be the Einheitsdiesel Kfz. 61 from IBG Models. Upon opening the box 4 sprues of grey styrene, one sprue of clear parts and a small decal sheet greeted me. In total there are a whopping 256 parts on the sprues of which 6 won't be needed for this build. The instructions cover the building of this truck in 29 steps, laid out in clear pictures, obviously taken from a 3D model. A quick overview of the sprues shows a good level of detail with some very delicate and well executed parts on display. What is quite evident from the beginning is that the sprue attachment points are quite heavy and they require careful trimming from the trees so as not to damage the parts. The frame of the truck is depicted in great detail. Shame that all of this won't be visible once the model is finished. One of the peculiar details I noticed in the instructions is that the clear parts should already be mounted in the first...

Alenia C-27J Spartan - 98° Gruppo (Italeri 1/72) - Part 2

As I mentioned in the previous post I've started building this kit already. The first few steps of the building instructions went without a problem. Not surprisingly these steps concern the interior of the plane. I assembled the interior as far as I deemed smart without compromising the possibility to detail paint the smaller stuff. I actually like the plastic Italeri uses. It's not too hard and not too soft. It can be sanded easily. Apart from assembling the interior I've also been test fitting some of the larger sub assemblies. Test fitting the fuselage halves showed some minor seams, but nothing too dramatic. The fit of some of the parts though seems extremely tight. Especially the tail planes come to mind in this regard. These need to fit in a slot in the outer AND inner fuselage. It is extremely important to get everything aligned correctly. Test fitting (in this instance) the left tail plane showed the fitment to be very tight and it was quite hard t...

Chevrolet Cruze WTCC TC1 - Tom Coronel (part 1)

And off we go with another project. But this won't be a quick one (as if I ever had quick projects...) as there's quite an amount of plastic surgery involved... Ever since I got the ZoomOn transkit in my possession (discussed here ) I've been very eager to get working on this one. But I tried to keep my cool and finish one of the unfinished builds first. Well. I can tell now that that plan has failed... As a matter of fact, I was so eager to get going on this one, that I forgot to take some pictures showing the original body of the car (as supplied in the kit). So, what's the plan? Base kit is the Aoshima/Beemax Chevrolet Cruze WTCC. This will be enhanced with the transkit by ZoomOn. Before starting with the chassis I wanted to get the body sorted first as I suspected this was going to take a fair amount of work. First step was easy. To remove the front of the original body. Well, okay, not that easy, because there was some delicate cutting to do. B...