Another key element of the Leuchtfeuer/Funkfeuer dio will be the Einheitsdiesel Kfz. 61 from IBG Models. Upon opening the box 4 sprues of grey styrene, one sprue of clear parts and a small decal sheet greeted me. In total there are a whopping 256 parts on the sprues of which 6 won't be needed for this build. The instructions cover the building of this truck in 29 steps, laid out in clear pictures, obviously taken from a 3D model. A quick overview of the sprues shows a good level of detail with some very delicate and well executed parts on display. What is quite evident from the beginning is that the sprue attachment points are quite heavy and they require careful trimming from the trees so as not to damage the parts. The frame of the truck is depicted in great detail. Shame that all of this won't be visible once the model is finished. One of the peculiar details I noticed in the instructions is that the clear parts should already be mounted in the first...
This blog is a continuation of my original website. It is devoted (mainly) to my plastic scale modelling activities.